Economic Equity

Moderator Anna Muoio, Founder, The Theory of We, and panelists Don Howard, CEO, The James Irvine Foundation, Shivani Garg Patel, Chief Strategy Officer, Skoll Foundation and William M. Rodgers III, VP, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis take on a set of questions that get to the root of the inequity that characterizes our economic system. Together they explore how we can transform our economic system so that all individuals prosper, including those who are most marginalized and what we can do to accelerate our progress toward a system that works to enable everyone’s economic well-being.

Moderator: Anna Muoio, Founder, The Theory of We; Project Lead, New Capitalism Project
Don Howard, President and CEO, The James Irvine Foundation
Shivani Garg Patel, Chief Strategy Officer, Skoll Foundation
William M. Rodgers III, Vice President and Director, Institute for Economic Equity, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis