Recovery to Renewal: Capturing the Trillion Dollar Opportunity

The U.S. government is sending trillions of dollars to states, counties, and cities to facilitate recovery from the pandemic. This historic infusion of public funding provides a genuine once-in-a-lifetime opportunity not merely for recovery, but for transformative change that can prioritize equity and system redesign. How can we capture this opportunity and not revert to the status quo? How can we guide federal dollars to systemic transformation that gets us to equity? Panelists share their insights, ideas, and examples of promising initiatives from around the country.

Moderator: Monte Roulier, President and Co-Founder, Community Initiatives Network
Gary L. Cunningham, President and CEO, Prosperity Now
Tracy Palandjian, CEO and Co-Founder, Social Finance
Becky Payne, Executive Vice President, The Rippel Foundation, and Former Lead for Long Term Recovery and Resilience, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Madge Thomas, Vice President of Corporate Social Responsibility, Head of the American Express Foundation