This is the third and fourth installment of the Exchange’s essay series representing reflections from 13 of the more than 400 participants at the Social Impact Exchange‘s 2013 Conference on Scaling Impact.
Essayists share their comments about the conference sessions and overarching theme of creating a system of cross-sector collaboration among philanthropy, government, and business. Together, the authors weave a story that speaks to accelerating progress on scaling-up social solutions that work.
In the third part of the series, Elliot Berger, managing director at Arabella Advisors, writes about Helping Philanthropists Scale for Impact. In his essay, Berger shares a client story about their collaboration to find innovative ways to maximize the impact of his resources. Michele Kahane, professor of professional practice at the Milano School of International Affairs, Management and Urban Policy at The New School University, reflects on When Is Philanthropy (Ir)Relevant? – and offers her thoughts on philanthropy’s unique role in supporting innovation that can lead to solutions to our most complex problems.
Part four of the series includes reflections from Mary Kopczynski Winkler, senior research associate at the Center for Nonprofits & Philanthropy at the Urban Institute, who writes about Building Evidence and Readiness for Scaling Impact: Putting the Cart before the Horse? In her essay, Winkler shares her thinking about the level of effort and rigor of approach in which nonprofits should engage when measuring the effectiveness of their programs. Yusi Wang Turell, executive director of the Center on Social Innovation & Finance at the Carsey Institute, University of New Hampshire, writes about a Prerequisite for the Growth of a Field: A Common Framework for Social Impact Measurement?, in which she challenges us to consider the benefits of developing field-wide common standards of measurement and evaluation frameworks.
See below the links to these four essays and the other five in the series to-date:
- Helping Philanthropists Scale for Impact
- When Is Philanthropy (Ir)Relevant?
- Building Evidence and Readiness for Scaling Impact: Putting the Cart before the Horse?
- Prerequisite for the Growth of a Field: A Common Framework for Social Impact Measurement?
Previous essays in the series: