Part 5 of Essay Series on Accelerating Progress in Scale-Ups

We are pleased to present the final three essays in our series of reflections from 12 of the more than 400 participants at the Social Impact Exchange’s 2013 Conference on Scaling Impact. Essayists share their comments about the conference sessions and overarching theme of creating a system of cross-sector collaboration among philanthropy, government, and business. Together, the authors weave a story that speaks to accelerating progress on scaling-up social solutions that work.

Today’s selection includes Katie Smith Milway, partner with The Bridgespan Group, who writes about A Battle Plan for Scale Warriors. In her essay, Milway talks about the next wave in scaling social impact – a battle plan that will enable us to truly scale solutions across diverse populations in need. Laura Landy, president and CEO of the Rippel Foundation, writes about A Multi-Sector Collaboration in Health: Camden Coalition of Health Care Providers, in which she challenges us to think carefully about our definition of “spread,” its impact on the nonprofit organization, and how the organization is influenced by those who provide funding and support. Amy Celep, CEO of Community Wealth Partners, shares how Transformational Change Requires More Than Program Replication. In her essay, she delves into the question of where best to focus our efforts and resources – on the short-term immediate need that is critical but yields incremental results, or the harder to achieve long-term outcome that addresses the root cause of an issue and ultimately solves the problem at the magnitude it exists.

See below the links to these three essays and the other nine in the series:

Previous essays in the series: